PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

tensortrax 0.25.0 Math on (Hyper-Dual) Tensors with Trailing Axes 2024-06-01 22:55:30
batchtensor 0.0.4 Functions to manipulate batches of PyTorch tensors 2024-05-29 04:16:53
hypothesis-torch 0.7.2 Hypothesis strategies for various Pytorch structures, including tensors and modules. 2024-05-28 17:17:42
OGRePy 0.0.0 An Object-Oriented General Relativity Package for Python 2024-05-28 02:32:09
PyPyNum 1.9.0 A multifunctional mathematical calculation package written in pure Python programming language [Python>=3.4] 2024-05-25 13:28:56
detrain 0.2.6 A package for distributed training & model parallelism using Torch 2024-05-12 09:44:21
drtensor 0.0.2 Pytorch modeling easier 2024-04-18 17:38:34
tensorizer 2.9.0 A tool for fast PyTorch module, model, and tensor serialization + deserialization. 2024-04-17 15:48:20
phiml 1.5.1 Unified API for machine learning 2024-04-15 12:12:27
sigmaepsilon.mesh 2.3.3 A Python package to build, manipulate and analyze polygonal meshes. 2024-03-25 19:41:38
sigmaepsilon.math 1.2.1 A Python Library for Applied Mathematics in Physical Sciences. 2024-03-20 06:39:04
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